Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Hero

My hero would have to be Mackenzie Kenney. She is my hero for many reasons. Actually I lied she is really only my hero because she saves my english grade. First off, i am not a very computer savy person. When sunday night rolls around I remember two things. First, I have to do a blog for english that I put off all week. Second, I dont remember the web address for Mr. Lunn's blog (to find out what i have to write about) or even how to blog. I frantically rack my brain for someone nice and intelligent enough to answer my questions without calling me a moron. That is when I decide to talk to Mackenzie who graciously helps me out until my blog is finished. I owe this very blog that you are reading to her help and that is why Mackenzie Kenney is my hero.

Friday, January 22, 2010

What's up?

Hello everyone, my name is Michael Mulder and this is my blog. I enjoy playing sports and I love to work out. I don't really have any favorite novels because i am not a big reader. I believe that the last book I read was Huck Finn. I didn't like it very much. My favorite movie is the Hangover. My favorite vacation was a trip to California. The trees were big there. A guess a funny story would be the two weeks in the summer when I tried to do backflips. I tried them off the ground, off a ledge, and even off a car. I never landed one. I was very disappointed and in more pain then I would like to remember. It wasn't very funny at the time but looking back I can see how it might be humorous. I am usually in a good mood. I am decent at most things but not great at anything in paticular. The End.